Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Miss you :<

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's Germany, bijacz!

So, I'm home. Last week was really great, I met a lot of wonderful people and I had a lot of fun. I think that writing all about it is useless, photos are speaking of themselves. Now it's time to go back to reality, but I hope that all that I have planned so far will come true :D 

Good night everyone xoxo :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dear leg ...

Winter holidays are over ... but not for me :D tomorrow my exchange starts and I will spend a whole week in Germany, can't wait! I'm already packing, running around the house (with my leg :P), being stressed out and thinking what I should take. It's all really exciting :) And well.. some pics from Thursday's party. I guess I danced a bit too much, my leg hurt faaaar too much and I couldn't go on another party on Friday... Shame... :<

Anyyyway, time to finish everything and finally talk to R <3 :)

Have a lovely week guys! :D xoxo

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm lovin' it

First week of my winter holiday already passed and my dearest cousin is leaving today :< but I have one week left and then exchange with the German school :D Can't wait! :D We went snowboarding again and I finally told myself to do what I planned to do a long time ago, due to the fact, that I had accident on box 2 years agooo... and well... I did it :D though I didn't land that nice anymore, but I guess I can be proud of myself that I was stronger than my inside courage :P

 There I thought that this time I won't finish on my butt... (my arms look kinda weird, isn't it? :P)

 But eventually it ended up differently... :P

All in all, whole day was pretty great :) ... except of my suffering shin. Yeah, it's my tradition to hurt myself while snowboarding... but I guess that if you love doing something, all the pain is worth it :)

Good night dears xoxo ... and remember to vote! :D http://www.funklasa.pl/projekty/grupa/3103 :D

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bake it, baby!

Guuuys, remember that competition I took part in with my class? It's still going on! We got to the next level, so I ask you veeeeery nicely to vote for us :) All you have to do is click on this link: 

Click 'ZAGŁOSUJ'. Then write given words and that's all! So far we did one out of two projects we have to do in second part, so stay tuned and wait for our new project. Don't forget to vote everyday! :)

Hope you had a nice day :) xoxo

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My dearest ...

So, holidays have started, everything is going fine so far :D I haven't been snowboarding much yet, but I'm planning to catch up :D Though... my back pain kills me a bit :c

I honestly miss warm sea, wind and carrying board around :<


... right, boo?